Monday, April 9, 2012

"Hope is a good thing"

Lets start with something small for the first post of my new blog. I am just emerging to the world of blogging and need to start getting used to this whole new world. Now I know many of you can think of a  favorite movie quote and always find yourself wondering.... does someone else really know that quote and understand it like me!? The truth is YES! well hopefully haha. This is what my blog is for, it's to gather all of the movie geeks like myself and share with you my favorites. And hopefully I can get some feedback on my quote of the week

The only way to start off this new blog is begin it with my favorite movie quote of all time. It's only proper to make week one with my all time favorite! 

I would love to hear what you folks think? Let me know if this quote tops the charts on your list.