Monday, April 30, 2012

Sith vs Jedi

There are two types of people: those who love Star Wars or those who hate Star Wars. I'm sure you can guess which type of person I am? :) We all can agree that episodes 1-3 weren't as good as the originals, however, there were some pretty stellar quotes, fights, and scenes that can take away any Star Wars geek's breathe away (for those who don't like it, you won't understand). Now don't get me wrong, I will always have a place in my heart for the original 3 when I was a kid; but the newer episodes just had a little more action overall. Episodes 1-3 had by far the top saber fights than any of later episodes; It sounds weird saying that because episodes 4-6 came first haha. Nice going George Lucas.

The best scene came down to two choices - Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker, which don't get me wrong is AMAZING. Then it competed against Darth Sidious vs Master Yoda. It's the ultimate fight of Star Wars, where the two top, most intelligent, and wisest masters end in episode 3. How can you argue with these two fighting, how pumped were each of you when you saw Yoda walk into the room and challenged the Sith? Every time I watch the scene I get goosebumps, that's how geeky I am with my Star Wars. And I'm sure most of you can understand. 

I want to get your feedback whether you disagree or agree with my choice of the fight scene. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this very memorable scene in the great Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. 

Best memorable quotes of the scene: 

"At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was"

"If so powerful you are, why leave?"


  1. Love this one! You put so much personality into it. Your reader gets to know you a little bit in this blog. Keep it up <3

  2. Thank you Courtney! I want everyone to really know how I feel about the Star Wars saga and there will be plenty more blogs about this sequel in the near future.

  3. Ive always really liked the Obi Wan/Anakin v Darth Maul fight in Phantom Menace.

  4. Jeff, It's funny you say that because it's my favorite fight of all time. I just thought Yoda vs. Sith would be a good one to post about! Thanks for the input!

  5. Hi Tim,

    I love this blog post about which duel was better in the Star Wars films. The prequels had the better choreographed lightsabre battles over the original films far and away. For me personally there's a tie between Obiwan vs Anakin and Luke and Vader in Empire. I like most Star Wars fans waited 20 some years to see Obiwan vs Anakin and it didn't disappoint, probably because Spielberg directed portions of it.
