Monday, May 7, 2012

Top 3 action films this summer!

Every year we all wait to see the best and freshest action movie debuts for the summer. At the start of each May the first one usually gets released - Avengers. And then a new blockbuster is screened each month until around August. I will start will rank each movie release from Best, Great, and Good: Note (I will add in the trailer for each, just to see what I'm really talking about) Enjoy!

1. The Avengers: this hard core action film has been on every single persons mind ever since Samuel Jackson made his appearance at the ending credits of Iron Man. I recently saw this flick and couldn't believe the special affects, acting, scenes, and chalk full of great movie quotes (especially by Iron Man, Downey Jr.). I highly recommend that anyone who has seen all the Marvel movies that include: Thor, Iron Man (2), Hulk 2, and Captain America, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! 
Not too mention, it broke any weekend box office records. Eat that Titanic! 

"Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster"

2. First off, don't bother reading if you have never even seen the first one and then go slap yourself in the face. But those who have seen it, this is and will be the most ULTIMATE man movie created. With new stars like Van Damme, Hemsworth, Norris, and full scenes from the one and only Schwarzenegger how else could creator Stallone create anything better than this action packed film. The first of the sequel has some great quotes and I know the new film won't disappoint, since we all know action films carry the corniest, most bad-a#% quotes ever. 

"My shoe is bigger than this car!" - Arnold S

3. I doubted this movie and wondered if it could ever compare to the performance given my Heath Ledger as the Joker. Nothing was more creepier and better acted than his character on The Dark Knight. However, after seeing  both trailers and the extended scene from an Imax movie preview, this sequel just may top it's previous film. Tom Hardy plays Bane a character determined to rule the city of Gotham and destroy the Batman (Christian Bale). This is the unfortunate end to the Batman saga and hopefully it goes out with a bang. Many say it will stomp Avengers in the box office, but I'm at disbelief. Although it ranks at my lowest of my top three action films of the summer, I will still be first in line to see this epic ending of an incredible story. My advice: don't miss out on this movie!

"Why didn't you just kill me?"
"Your punishment must be more severe"


  1. You know, I'm going to say: If you know Tim at all, you know that just a word could spark a movie quote in Tim's head. He truly has a filing cabinet in his head for movies. You say "the" and he has got something ready for you (as an over-exaggeration). He knows a lot about movies. Until I met him, I thought I had seen a lot of movies... I thought I was a huge movie fan... but knowing him proved me wrong. Once he sees a movie once, he can watch it and quote it. It's impressive. This blog is the perfect subject for him and the "Top 3" blog was awesome. I saw Avengers and I definitely agree. I will definitely be seeing The Expendables 2 and The Dark Knight Rises.

  2. I love it!!! " so u want to be a farmer; here's a couple of acres!"....."

  3. I want to add a movie clip!!!

  4. "Lets kill these bitches!".........

  5. Very cool Tim! I'm not really into movies much but I like your idea and how you've designed your blog. Well done

  6. Im loving this blog can't wait for the next one

  7. I have been waiting for The Dark Knight Rises for YEARS. These Batman films are the only ones I feel dorky enough to wait in line at midnight to see. I love them! :)
