Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Best coffee scenes

So I recently started my new job in the corporate world, finally leaving behind my old serving days. The bad news came to me when I realized that I no longer get to sleep in, choose my schedule, and decided if I wanted to go in at 10am or 4pm. However, in the corporate world I now have to wake up every day 6am M-F and work 8 hours a day. Now I know many of you say "oh come on now, that amount of hours are nothing to my job", but I'm new to this, and so is my level of energy.

I left my old job getting free red bulls and having long hours of sleep, that I forgot how much energy I really needed to wake up so early each day; so instead of paying for energy drinks and saving the calorie intake, I took up coffee...for the first time! Now I still have some getting used to when it comes to this bitter water, but it seems to help get through the day.

So I decided to make this weeks post on the movies that have some of the funniest 'coffee' scenes out there, and many of you have probably saw these one time or another. There are no particular order or what is best or not, but as I explained during Memorial to my family: coffee is beginning to get me addicted and then of course I instantly thought of some funny coffee scenes in my movie quote cabinet.

Enjoy this cup of joe, on me!

Now this scene cracks me up! It's exactly how I still am in the coffee world. I remember being so new that I still don't know the difference between dark and medium roast, venti, soy latte, and all that other coffee jargon. Will Ferrell plays the parts so perfectly, especially when he is "so eager" to get some coffee.

Now I know it's another scene from Kicking and Screaming but this movie is just too good to pass up on these coffee scenes. My favorite part is how angry and addicted Will gets because he can't get his coffee quick enough. I love this one " I have am a frequent coffee card member" what a great line! Hopefully this won't be me in five years.

This one is hilarious! How can anyone say they never wondered why in the heck don't they just call it a LARGE. So... he blatantly decides to punk out the woman at the counter, then he gets punk'd out by Elizabeth Banks. I still don't understand why Starbucks must be so "different" and not just call the sizes: small, medium, and large!


  1. Love it! That was fun to read and watch together!

  2. Will Ferrel is my favorite and I love Role Models, those videos went great with your post! Awesome.

  3. Hahahah well wow I have never heard or seen kicking and screaming that was hillarious! I love how the guy says yayy after he says were gonna have a half caf lol and paul rudd is fantastic never seen that movie either!!!
