Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Comedy Kings

I honestly can say that I have never once gone a day without quoting some sort of comedy. How can anyone really say they don't enjoy watching comedy? Some of the best movies out there are the ones that make us laugh out loud. These movies make our days better, sometimes pee our pants (occasionally), and give us new ideas to keep the party going when nobody has anything to say. So on behalf of the comedian titans, I would like to sincerely thank those particular movie lines that keep me laughing each and every day.

Here are my top 3 most favorite comedy-quotable-movies, and yes I did just make that a word.

#1 Dumb and Dumber - I was first exposed to this movie when I was about 12 or so, where I finally got to see a full-on Jim Carrey flick (when he was actually funny). This movie is chalk full of memorable quotes guaranteed to make anyone laugh until they can't stand, unless you are angry all the time and hate to laugh; then i would just walk away and stop reading this. Not too mention, Jeff Daniels (Michigan native) does a bang up job delivering some funny antics and ad libs. Now it may not be an Oscar winner, but were not aiming to unfold that now are we? There was a sequel that came in early 2000's and was just plain AWFUL. However, word on the street is that both Jim and Jeff are reuniting for a sequel and production is said to begin as early as September 2012. This one excites me more than Avengers did, ya I said that.

These are my favorite scenes from Dumb and Dumber:


#2 Old School - This movie is an all time classic for my family and I. You couldn't ask for a more funnier cast: Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, Sean William Scott, Andy Dick, and Luke Wilson. These men were born to make people laugh and if you have not seen Old School yet, I highly recommend seeing it after you read this. This movie is full of hilarious and memorable quotes, where I always find myself repeating them with my brother and some of my close friends. Like I said, this movie was made to make you laugh until you pass out (literally). Now this movie is pretty intense with the language and has some occasional nudity.. ah what the heck ENJOY!

Best Old School scene of all time:


#3 Austin Powers - Ya I said it, Austin powers made it to my all time list. How can any person say they have never quoted Powers, Dr. Evil, Scott, and the infamous Fat Bastard? This whole movie saga is someting every movie-buff must watch before ever calling yourself.. a movie-buff. I started watching this when I was around 11, not because my parents let me but becasue they would sensor anything bad for little Timmy (me). When I got older, I realized..."this may be one of the funniest movies I have ever seen". For my favorite characters of all time (in comedy): Homer Simpson, Erik Cartman, and Fat Bastard. This fat man literally makes the whole movie go from funny, to LAUGH till I can't breath. Mike Myers rocked out this whole movie playing about 90% of its main characters, which was way better than Eddie Murphy's (Sorry Ed).

Best Austin Powers scenes, it is a little long but feel free to skim through and watch bits:


  1. Hmm my top comedy movie will always be the Proposal... Hands down! It's a girl thing!

  2. Love this blog! Sooooo good. It gets better and better every time!

  3. How's your burger!!!!!!!! Good clips from dumb and dumber and yes old school is in the top ten of my favorite comedies!!!!! Great job

  4. The proposal is awesome too!!!! I looooove that movie not my favorite of all time but its up there ryan reynolds delivery is fantastic in it!

  5. what about the classics? Airplane, Blazing Saddles, Caddyshack, Young Frankenstein, Naked Gun

  6. Jeff,

    Believe me when I say that this list could go on for pages! I just wanted to pick a few that sparked my mind. I LOVE all of those movies you picked, but my list is just some of my favorites! Thanks for the insight Jeff!
