Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Best coffee scenes

So I recently started my new job in the corporate world, finally leaving behind my old serving days. The bad news came to me when I realized that I no longer get to sleep in, choose my schedule, and decided if I wanted to go in at 10am or 4pm. However, in the corporate world I now have to wake up every day 6am M-F and work 8 hours a day. Now I know many of you say "oh come on now, that amount of hours are nothing to my job", but I'm new to this, and so is my level of energy.

I left my old job getting free red bulls and having long hours of sleep, that I forgot how much energy I really needed to wake up so early each day; so instead of paying for energy drinks and saving the calorie intake, I took up coffee...for the first time! Now I still have some getting used to when it comes to this bitter water, but it seems to help get through the day.

So I decided to make this weeks post on the movies that have some of the funniest 'coffee' scenes out there, and many of you have probably saw these one time or another. There are no particular order or what is best or not, but as I explained during Memorial to my family: coffee is beginning to get me addicted and then of course I instantly thought of some funny coffee scenes in my movie quote cabinet.

Enjoy this cup of joe, on me!

Now this scene cracks me up! It's exactly how I still am in the coffee world. I remember being so new that I still don't know the difference between dark and medium roast, venti, soy latte, and all that other coffee jargon. Will Ferrell plays the parts so perfectly, especially when he is "so eager" to get some coffee.

Now I know it's another scene from Kicking and Screaming but this movie is just too good to pass up on these coffee scenes. My favorite part is how angry and addicted Will gets because he can't get his coffee quick enough. I love this one " I have am a frequent coffee card member" what a great line! Hopefully this won't be me in five years.

This one is hilarious! How can anyone say they never wondered why in the heck don't they just call it a LARGE. So... he blatantly decides to punk out the woman at the counter, then he gets punk'd out by Elizabeth Banks. I still don't understand why Starbucks must be so "different" and not just call the sizes: small, medium, and large!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I have always been a GIANT Arnold Schwarzenegger fan, and yes I know what most of you are thinking. His movies are super corny, terribly acted, lame plots, and overrated; but I can honestly say the complete opposite to those (most of them). He is the ultimate action star! How can you not like Terminator 1, 2, & 3, Predator, Commando, Collateral Damage, The 6th Day, Eraser, and my favorite - Total Recall. His acting is mediocre, however, he really did have some smash hits in the 80's and paved the way for other great action films, even though he did dramas and love movies.

Arnold created a foundation that many cannot or ever will reach in their acting careers. You may say you hate his acting but I guarantee you have seen some Arnold movie in the past. Only one has ever came close to his action movie blockbusters: Sylvester Stallone, and both are now making more action films together - in their late 60's! (Expendables 1 &2). I go probably 5 days a week stating some quote from an Arnold movie - especially with friends and were partying together.

So on behalf of the great Arnold Schwarzenegger I would like you to watch the creation of his greatest and corniest movie quotes of all TIME! I have seen this so many times I'm pretty sure I could memorize this entire video. I know it's long but if you enjoy his movies you will LOVE this video bit. So, ENJOY!

My two favorite quotes -

"If it bleeds, we can kill it" - Predator

"Hey, you want to be a farmer? Here's a couple of acres!" - Last Action Hero

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Comedy Kings

I honestly can say that I have never once gone a day without quoting some sort of comedy. How can anyone really say they don't enjoy watching comedy? Some of the best movies out there are the ones that make us laugh out loud. These movies make our days better, sometimes pee our pants (occasionally), and give us new ideas to keep the party going when nobody has anything to say. So on behalf of the comedian titans, I would like to sincerely thank those particular movie lines that keep me laughing each and every day.

Here are my top 3 most favorite comedy-quotable-movies, and yes I did just make that a word.

#1 Dumb and Dumber - I was first exposed to this movie when I was about 12 or so, where I finally got to see a full-on Jim Carrey flick (when he was actually funny). This movie is chalk full of memorable quotes guaranteed to make anyone laugh until they can't stand, unless you are angry all the time and hate to laugh; then i would just walk away and stop reading this. Not too mention, Jeff Daniels (Michigan native) does a bang up job delivering some funny antics and ad libs. Now it may not be an Oscar winner, but were not aiming to unfold that now are we? There was a sequel that came in early 2000's and was just plain AWFUL. However, word on the street is that both Jim and Jeff are reuniting for a sequel and production is said to begin as early as September 2012. This one excites me more than Avengers did, ya I said that.

These are my favorite scenes from Dumb and Dumber:


#2 Old School - This movie is an all time classic for my family and I. You couldn't ask for a more funnier cast: Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, Sean William Scott, Andy Dick, and Luke Wilson. These men were born to make people laugh and if you have not seen Old School yet, I highly recommend seeing it after you read this. This movie is full of hilarious and memorable quotes, where I always find myself repeating them with my brother and some of my close friends. Like I said, this movie was made to make you laugh until you pass out (literally). Now this movie is pretty intense with the language and has some occasional nudity.. ah what the heck ENJOY!

Best Old School scene of all time:


#3 Austin Powers - Ya I said it, Austin powers made it to my all time list. How can any person say they have never quoted Powers, Dr. Evil, Scott, and the infamous Fat Bastard? This whole movie saga is someting every movie-buff must watch before ever calling yourself.. a movie-buff. I started watching this when I was around 11, not because my parents let me but becasue they would sensor anything bad for little Timmy (me). When I got older, I realized..."this may be one of the funniest movies I have ever seen". For my favorite characters of all time (in comedy): Homer Simpson, Erik Cartman, and Fat Bastard. This fat man literally makes the whole movie go from funny, to LAUGH till I can't breath. Mike Myers rocked out this whole movie playing about 90% of its main characters, which was way better than Eddie Murphy's (Sorry Ed).

Best Austin Powers scenes, it is a little long but feel free to skim through and watch bits:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Top 3 action films this summer!

Every year we all wait to see the best and freshest action movie debuts for the summer. At the start of each May the first one usually gets released - Avengers. And then a new blockbuster is screened each month until around August. I will start will rank each movie release from Best, Great, and Good: Note (I will add in the trailer for each, just to see what I'm really talking about) Enjoy!

1. The Avengers: this hard core action film has been on every single persons mind ever since Samuel Jackson made his appearance at the ending credits of Iron Man. I recently saw this flick and couldn't believe the special affects, acting, scenes, and chalk full of great movie quotes (especially by Iron Man, Downey Jr.). I highly recommend that anyone who has seen all the Marvel movies that include: Thor, Iron Man (2), Hulk 2, and Captain America, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! 
Not too mention, it broke any weekend box office records. Eat that Titanic! 

"Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster"

2. First off, don't bother reading if you have never even seen the first one and then go slap yourself in the face. But those who have seen it, this is and will be the most ULTIMATE man movie created. With new stars like Van Damme, Hemsworth, Norris, and full scenes from the one and only Schwarzenegger how else could creator Stallone create anything better than this action packed film. The first of the sequel has some great quotes and I know the new film won't disappoint, since we all know action films carry the corniest, most bad-a#% quotes ever. 

"My shoe is bigger than this car!" - Arnold S

3. I doubted this movie and wondered if it could ever compare to the performance given my Heath Ledger as the Joker. Nothing was more creepier and better acted than his character on The Dark Knight. However, after seeing  both trailers and the extended scene from an Imax movie preview, this sequel just may top it's previous film. Tom Hardy plays Bane a character determined to rule the city of Gotham and destroy the Batman (Christian Bale). This is the unfortunate end to the Batman saga and hopefully it goes out with a bang. Many say it will stomp Avengers in the box office, but I'm at disbelief. Although it ranks at my lowest of my top three action films of the summer, I will still be first in line to see this epic ending of an incredible story. My advice: don't miss out on this movie!

"Why didn't you just kill me?"
"Your punishment must be more severe"

Monday, April 30, 2012

Sith vs Jedi

There are two types of people: those who love Star Wars or those who hate Star Wars. I'm sure you can guess which type of person I am? :) We all can agree that episodes 1-3 weren't as good as the originals, however, there were some pretty stellar quotes, fights, and scenes that can take away any Star Wars geek's breathe away (for those who don't like it, you won't understand). Now don't get me wrong, I will always have a place in my heart for the original 3 when I was a kid; but the newer episodes just had a little more action overall. Episodes 1-3 had by far the top saber fights than any of later episodes; It sounds weird saying that because episodes 4-6 came first haha. Nice going George Lucas.

The best scene came down to two choices - Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker, which don't get me wrong is AMAZING. Then it competed against Darth Sidious vs Master Yoda. It's the ultimate fight of Star Wars, where the two top, most intelligent, and wisest masters end in episode 3. How can you argue with these two fighting, how pumped were each of you when you saw Yoda walk into the room and challenged the Sith? Every time I watch the scene I get goosebumps, that's how geeky I am with my Star Wars. And I'm sure most of you can understand. 

I want to get your feedback whether you disagree or agree with my choice of the fight scene. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this very memorable scene in the great Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. 

Best memorable quotes of the scene: 

"At an end your rule is, and not short enough it was"

"If so powerful you are, why leave?"

Thursday, April 19, 2012

And the Oscar goes to...

There comes a time in any person's life where they must decide, what is my favorite all time movie? This usually contains our most memorable quotes that we tend to remember and have an attachment to when we see it airing on cable. It all started in 2000 when I was just a young boy and I caught my first and never last glimpse of my new favorite flick, Gladiator. It won best picture, best actor, best costume design, best visual effects, and best sound at the Academy Awards. Obviously it's credentials alone can prove how well the movie was done, but what really caught me was the perfect tapestry of action, drama, sadness, and even some light comedy. 

Russell Crowe gave a tremendous performance along with a cast to support him. Now although Maximus doesn't say much in this clip, the whole scene ends with a great movie quote given up by Connie Nelson or her character name - Lucilla. "He was a solider of Rome, honor him"

This whole ending gave the movie it's final push to success. It's so emotional but at the same time captures this anger and excitement when he finally avenges his family.. It's a bittersweet moment to say the least. It tops my chart not because of these great quotes but how the entire movie was created with a cast, setting, story-line, and not too mention the soundtrack which of course makes the scene that much memorable. I love this movie so much and hope some share the same views as me, so enjoy!

Some of my favorite Gladiator quotes:

"Now we are free, I will see you again, but not yet.... not yet"

"Free my men, Senator Grackus is to be reinstated. There was a dream that was Rome, it shall be realized. These are the wishes of Marcus Aurelias" 

Monday, April 9, 2012

"Hope is a good thing"

Lets start with something small for the first post of my new blog. I am just emerging to the world of blogging and need to start getting used to this whole new world. Now I know many of you can think of a  favorite movie quote and always find yourself wondering.... does someone else really know that quote and understand it like me!? The truth is YES! well hopefully haha. This is what my blog is for, it's to gather all of the movie geeks like myself and share with you my favorites. And hopefully I can get some feedback on my quote of the week

The only way to start off this new blog is begin it with my favorite movie quote of all time. It's only proper to make week one with my all time favorite! 

I would love to hear what you folks think? Let me know if this quote tops the charts on your list.